Winning Online Poker Strategy
Most poker players never learn the REAL SECRETS and techniques for playing online no-limit Texas Hold’em Poker. They may learn a few tricks or two on TV from the World Series of Poker... or maybe they think they know how to read a “poker face” from their Saturday night home games with friends and neighbors... but there are literally HUNDREDS of winning secrets and methods that YOU can use to gain an advantage at the online tables..
And speaking about the World Series of Poker, did you know that more money and pots are shifting hands online before and after the big tournaments? This is where the real pros literally steal pocket-change from all the new poker players online dreaming about winning a seat to the World Series!
You hold pocket aces in late position, put in a raise at the first opportunity, and find yourself against a small enough field to feel like your aces have a chance. The flop comes 8-4-2, a safe enough flop, you figure, since your foes are unlikely to be in there with 8-4, 8-2 or 4-2, and while small sets are a possibility, you judge that to be a remote possibility -- especially when it's checked around to you and then just one subsequent player calls your bet. You put him on a good eight or an overpair; you're not scared, nor should you be.
But here comes the turn, an offsuit 7. He checks. You bet. He raises . Now you have that familiar sinking feeling: You've been trapped by a slow-played superior hand. Could he really have been lucky enough to hit his set or second pair? Could he have been boneheaded enough to call your initial raise with two disconnected low cards? Maybe he played a 5-6, drew to an inside straight and got there. In any case, you are now in the midst of a familiar situation: You're stuck on the hand and there's no way out. You're going to call his raise on the turn because, hey, you might pair up or ace up on the river to beat him -- unless your pair gives him a boat, or unless he's already on a made straight. In any case, you're committed... committed to losing two more big bets because you feel, fatalistically, that there's no way out.
Sure, you reckon, he might be bluffing. But for the sake of this example, let's assume that you know he's not. You've never seen him check-raise bluff, but you have seen him check-raise trap many times. Nor is he the kind of player who might put you on overcards and think that his ragged eight is the best hand. No, he's just another straightforward, unimaginative player who just barely knows how to check-call the flop and check-raise the turn. For the sake of this example, let's assume that you're 100% certain he has you beat. Yet you call. Why is that?
Could it be that you feel you're owed?
We all know how rarely pocket aces come around. When they come our way, we naturally anticipate winning with them. Why not? They're the best possible hand, and we're good people. We deserve to win. Thus burdened by this feeling of entitlement, we tend to underestimate the strength of our foe's hand, and overestimate the chances of beating him on the redraw. Our thinking is skewed by the emotional attachment we have to those beautiful bullets. We want them to win. We need them to win. If they don't win, it's a tragedy and a shame, but not so big a tragedy and a shame as folding now. That would be just unfair...
You see this sad rationalization in at least one other circumstance: when a player holds pocket kings and there's an ace on the flop. He raised pre-flop, driving off (he assumes) all hands except premium ones. Well, what's a premium non-pair hand? A hand with an ace, of course. But when that ace hits the flop, our holder of king-king suddenly loses all perspective. He puts his foes on underpairs or draws, even when his foes start raising like flags. Why? Because pocket kings come along as rarely as pocket aces, and he feels like he's owed!
My friend, discipline in poker means more than having rigorous starting requirements. It also means getting away from hands when you're beat. If you can't fold aces when you know, with every fiber of your being, that they're just going to cost you bets upon bets, then you don't have discipline. If pocket kings leave you vulnerable to the stealth ace, you don't have common sense.
All you have is a feeling of entitlement, and this feeling, even if it's justified (which it's not), puts your focus on entitlement instead of perfect play. This can only hamper your perceptions, warp your decisions and degrade your results.
I read somewhere the other day that the best strategy for playing online poker games successfully was to play your hand rarely if you are not the big or small blind, and raise cautiously if you are!
Take time to feel out how other users play poker online. The main difference between playing poker in the real world and playing at an online poker site is the fact that you cannot see your opponents, thus making it harder to work out what they are thinking which in turn makes it harder to project their next moves... This is why patience is a crucial part of being successful in any online poker game.
Don't believe me? Try out the tactic on any one of the free online poker sites and see if you end up with more virtual cash than you started with... i reckon you will!
Follow this link for more tips on how to play poker successfully
Just wanted to know how cautiously should I play an online poker game.
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